Our association is a unique volunteer initiative of medical students who are not afraid to break out of social stereotypes and go to the place where others do not want to go. Our main goal is to come in the role of medics to the reality of the social environment of homeless people (reception centers, the street). Our activity is based on streetwork, patient listening, non-judgmental communication, acceptance, empathy, bringing hope, dignity, equality and high-quality medical treatment and consultation. We also educate the general public. We develop perception and responsibility in public.
Medici na Ulici
Projektträger: Medici na ulici
Verantwortliche*r: Lenka Mezeiová

2.000 Euro Preis
Zivilgesellschaft / Sozialwirtschaft
Soziales, Gesundheit

The main challenges are: the unavailability of health care for homeless people, their exclusion from health facilities, and the lack of information in society; leading to the creation of stereotypes and social tension. Therefore, a legitimate legal environment for street medicine in Czechia is needed.
The innovation of the Medici na Ulici (Medics on the Streets) project lies in involving medical student in the care of homeless people. The project builds positive attitudes towards homeless people in future doctors and nurses. Furthermore, Medici na ulici increases the young generation's societal responsibility, a sense of belonging, solidarity, enthusiasm, and mutual help. Finally, for rejected people, the project rebuilds trust in the society, healthcare, and in humanity itself.
The project members are primarily medical students; these are divided into two groups – experienced and beginners. The former is an older student, who regularly goes to the field and has passed final examinations; the latter is a medic who assists, communicates with the client, and performs actions under guidance. Constant feedback drives the system and monthly meetings includes discussion on education, and work analysis.
The project has become an essential actor in the Czech non-profit scene consisting of almost 190 members. In one year (2021–2022) more than 1650 treatments in 556 stations in Prague, and around 900 in Brno we provided. During covid, the project also operated in covid wards and regularly appears in the media and conferences to educate wider society.
The project can be applied in all environments; every region where there are young medical students who care for homeless people.
Photos © Milan Bureš, MatÄ›j Dubenský
A unique project, which values the importance of inclusive health care and rebuilds trust in the healthcare system step by step. Due to its mutually beneficial model, the project is sustainable: while people living on the streets receive treatment, medical students gain valuable experience in socially sensitive health care work at an early stage in their career. Patients are treated as clients; the face-to-face interaction helps people living on the streets to break out of their passive role and regain their dignity.