Blind and visually impaired communities need additional help resulting in less quality time with relatives or friends. Professional assistance is often limited. Through the TÁVSZEM (“Remote Eye”) app, the physical presence of a caregiver at all times is not needed; the app connects the blind and visually impaired to “see” with the assistance of an operator.
TÁVSZEM – Remote Eye
Project owner: Magyar Vakok és Gyengénlátók Országos Szövetsége
Responsible person: Németh Orsolya

Civil Society / Social Economy

Individuals with vision act as the “eyes” for blind or visually impaired user through the TÁVSZEM app and a smartphone camera. The trained operators direct and inform the client by describing what is seen around the user.
The target group of TÁVSZEM are blind and visually impaired individuals living in Hungary. We work together with project stakeholders to design the app and services; they also teach others how to use the app and train TÁVSZEM operators.
Nearly a thousand people have used TÁVSZEM; its users are continuously growing. The app is exceptionally time-efficient and available free of charge in Hungary. With TÁVSZEM , smartphones and the internet open up the world and improve the quality of life for blind and visually impaired individuals and communities.
TÁVSZEM can be expanded to Hungarian-speaking, blind and visually impaired communities living outside of Hungary, and later be implemented internationally. TÁVSZEM would require stable technological and registration conditions, as well as trained operators with foreign language skills.