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Project owner: A noÁr mi vagyunk! Nonprofit Kft. We are the noÁr! Nonprofit Ltd.

Responsible person: Áron Molnár




Civil Society / Social Economy


noÁr is a movement seeking innovative solutions to social problems in Hungary. We analyse taboos and issues shaping our world, such as migration, education, racism, homelessness, freedom of culture, the FreeSZFE (University of Theatre and Film Arts) movement, and child abuse.


Our movement is a hybrid blend of a music group and a non-governmental organization. We aim to find innovative solutions to the most crucial social issues by creating and producing online videos. Our programmes show that we can achieve change through the power of music, arts, acting, and public dialogue. 


Through our videos and online outreach, we address and encourage everyone to take action. We hold dialogues with the followers of our social media channels. They can meet us in person through our events implemented with other non-governmental organizations, such as Oltalom Charity Association and Greenpeace Hungary.


We receive video messages and letters from students and parents on how our work has changed their lives and inspired them to help others. Our community members develop an understanding to shape society, public discourses, and public opinion, regardless of their party politics.


Our work can be found on our YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram pages, and our website. Our online project transcends all borders. We have worked with Hungarian NGOs, but we would like to cooperate with international NGOs in the future.