Independent legal advice in Tyrol

Projektgazda szervezet: Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst gem. GmbH

Felelős személy: Mag.a (FH) Katharina Lang, Ralf Niederhammer




Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság

Miről szól a projekt?

The independent ‘Rechtsberatung Tirol’ (legal advice centre in Tyrol), based at the refugee welfare centre, was established following the closure of the Caritas legal advice centre, which led to a lack of independent offers for refugees. The centre is a well networked advice facility for asylum seekers, largely supported by students. The centre offers advice and support in matters such as asylum and refugee policy, the law on settlement and residency and social issues as well as keeping country information up-to-date and offering an interpreting service.