Refugee Stories

Projektgazda szervezet: whatCHAdo – das Netzwerk für Berufsorientierung e.V.

Felelős személy: Kambis Kohansal Vajargah & Raoul Kopacka




Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság

Miről szól a projekt?

Background and career before flight are the focus of the standardised video interviews with refugees in Austria that whatCHAdo has put online. “Refugees Welcome”, “Prosa”, “Together Austria”, “Refugeeswork”, etc. have become cooperation partners. Easy to follow for anyone, these short stories – also accessible from the websites of the “Youth Portal” and the Viennese University – are excellent starting-points for connecting, for a nascent wish to work together or even for a job offer. In addition there are interviews with people who work with refugees. They are to incite others to do alike. Maybe what will come out of all this is a richly varied panoply – whatCHAdo calls it a handbook – of life stories …