Black Austria

Projektgazda szervezet: M-MEDIA - Verein zu Interkulturelle Medienarbeit; AFRA - International Center for Black Women's Pers

Felelős személy: Simon INOU, Beatrice ACHALEKE


2. díj


Miről szól a projekt?

The founders of Black Austria are convinced that a lack of knowledge is the breeding ground for prejudice and discrimination against black people living in Austria. Many people do not know that 75% of Africans* living in Austria have qualifications equivalent to A-levels, while 33% are university graduates. A series of posters of the highest aesthetic standard and featuring very concise and intentionally provocative texts presents self-portraits without evoking any sort of pity. The “evil black drug dealers” and the “poor black victims of widespread racism” emphasise that black people living in Austria form an important part of society as intellectuals, artists and business people. The project was extended in 2008 to include a T-shirt campaign featuring statements of common prejudices against black people. However, the project had to close in January 2009 due to a lack of funding.

A zsűri elismerése

In 2007, the jury awarded second prize to the “audacious, easy-going and provocative” initiative that had “great success in the media”.