Bicycles for refugees in Zagreb

Projektgazda szervezet: Zelena akcija/ Friends of the Earth Croatia

Felelős személy: Eugen Vuković


2 000 eurós díj


Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság

Miről szól a projekt?
A zsűri elismerése

Innovative in an unspectacular, effective in a simple way: Many of the city’s inhabitants come to the workshop with their bicycles. And since, amongst workers and repairers there, there are people who have fled from their homes, the locals and the refugees meet each other inevitably. Bicycles for Refugees brings people together while they are engaged in an activity. The meeting thus happens as a by-product, casually. For many residents this is the first time that they directly, “really” come into contact with the newly arrived. Riding the bikes makes exploration of the new environment possible. To see and to be seen facilitates integration. If it works, it’ll be good for everyone, also the environment.