Roma communities in Slovakia lack critical access to safe housing and the financial resources to purchase a home. Projekt domov ("Project Home") supports families and individuals from marginalised Roma communities to finance, build, and own a home through microcredits to end intergenerational poverty.
Project Home
Projektgazda szervezet: Marián Zeman
Felelős személy: Marián Zeman

1. díj
Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság
Helyi fejlesztés

Projekt domov’s goal is to provide access to inclusive housing for marginalised communities. The project targets the social and financial barriers of families from Roma communities to obtain decent housing. With the support of local municipalities, Projekt domov advises marginalised families through the process of accessing financial support, purchasing land, and building and owning their new home.
The client/home builder(s) and their families are the most important actors. Municipalities and their representatives are also key to organise the project implementation in their villages. Projekt Domov‘s diverse team of social workers support both clients and municipalities. The Slovenská sporiteľňa bank (Slovak savings bank of the Erste Bank Group) provides access to microcredits to finance the construction of the new homes.
Access to safe and quality housing has improved the standard of living for our clients – especially their children. Marginalised communities not only have access to owning a home, but also acquire financial literacy skills, self-confidence, and vocational skills. This has led to better health, educational, and social conditions for children; it is an opportunity to end intergenerational poverty.
The project is transferrable to any village, municipality, or city with a marginalised Roma community. Projekt domov is currently active in villages located in three out of eight regions in Slovakia – Prešov, Košice, and Banská Bystrica regions.
Marginalised families build not only new houses and homes, but also new lives. Projekt domov prepares and guides both Roma families and leaders in rural communities. The Roma families build and finance their own houses; they are guided by social workers during the entire process. They have access and pay back the necessary microcredits to the local savings bank branch. An overall socially innovative programme with a definite goal: quality housing promotes healthy living; it is inclusive and liberating especially for families and children.