We Give Nets, Not Fish – but Eggs, Yes!

Projektträger: Kiútprogram Közhasznú Nonprofit Zrt.

Verantwortliche*r: Gaal Ilona


2.000 Euro Preis


Zivilgesellschaft / Sozialwirtschaft

Worum geht es?

Kiútprogram is the only enterprise development programme of the country, which helps people to become cucumber growing farmer via social microcredit and mentoring. People in deep poverty receive null rate credit, in the form of money- and tools (i.e. plants) in order to grow cucumber. Besides providing assets, mentoring and counselling are given too. Their products are purchased and sold by Kiútprogram. The client redeems cash back each week. Our clients’ self-esteem and motivation strengthens and after 2-3 years they eventually can work independently. We are present in the poorest regions.


Marginalised communities, especially Roma minorities, of northern and eastern Hungary lack the educational resources and jobs to end poverty. Financial resources to start a business are also not accessible. Kiútprogram supports vulnerable communities living in Hungary’s poorest regions with the resources and microcredits to support agricultural businesses.


We support our clients with mentoring and financial resources to grow cucumbers to sell in the agricultural market. Kiútprogram is the only organisation in Hungary to provide financial credit without a minimum asset base, margin, or interest to clients. The programme also prepares and connects Kiútprogram participants to jobs in the region.


We assist marginalised and Roma communities living in in the northern and eastern villages of Hungary. The project also works with accountants, farmers, and wholesale buyers to mentor our clients’ agricultural businesses.


In 2016, our clients received an average of HUF 350,000 in net income from their work after repaying their loans. In the last four years, we have cooperated with a total of 380 families in 29 villages, who thus earned more than 120 million forints in their own income.


The project can be transferred to a similar geographical region and social demographic community. Kiútprogram will implement the programme to new villages in northern Hungary this year. There is also potential to expand the programme’s activities. As of this year, individuals can join the Kiútprogram with additional and new business ideas.

Würdigung der Jury

Ein klassischer Mix aus Unterstützungsmaßnahmen rund um ein Mikrokreditprogramm mit sozial innovativer Wirkung. Zum einen bringt der Anbau von Gurken ausreichend Einnahmen für die teilnehmenden Familien in der ärmsten Region Ungarns. Der erlebte Vertrauensvorschuss durch das Kiútprogram steigert zum anderen das Vertrauen in die eigenen Fähigkeiten. Dadurch erhöht sich der Glaube an die individuelle und in Folge auch an die kollektive Selbstwirksamkeit. Das Programm und die Information über seine Wirkung breiten sich über die betroffenen Regionen hinaus aus. Und langsam verändern sich auch die gesellschaftlichen Klischees…