Das Projekt widmet sich zwei großen sozialen Problematiken: dem Fachkräftemangel in der Pflege und der nachhaltigen Arbeitsmarktintegration von vertriebenen Ukrainer:innen in Österreich. Im Zuge des Projekts wurden verschiedene Angebote speziell auf die Zielgruppe der vertriebenen Ukrainer:innen in einer neuartigen Form der Heimhilfeausbildung vereint. Besonders ist, dass es niedrigschwellige Zugangswege, zielgruppenspezifische Maßnahmen, ein intensives Betreuungskonzept (u.a. in Muttersprache der Zielgruppe) und flankierende sprachliche Maßnahmen zur eigentlichen Fachausbildung anbietet.
Heimhilfeausbildung für vertriebene Ukrainer:innen
Projektträger: Tralalobe, Verein zur Förderung und Hilfe von Bedürftigen
Verantwortliche*r: Florian Stummelreiter

2.000 Euro Preis
Zivilgesellschaft / Sozialwirtschaft
Soziales, Gesundheit

The care sector in Austria faces significant staffing shortages. Simultaneously, Ukrainians want to enter the labour market and are interested in the care profession. Yet, access to training and entry into this field are limited. The project resolves healthcare staff shortages and provides displaced Ukrainians with access to high-demand jobs in Austria’s labor market.
The care sector in Austria faces significant staffing shortages. Simultaneously, Ukrainians want to enter the labour market and are interested in the care profession. Yet, access to training and entry into this field are limited. The project resolves healthcare staff shortages and provides displaced Ukrainians with access to high-demand jobs in Austria’s labor market.
The target group is Ukrainians with displaced status living in Vienna or Lower Austria. Through a comprehensive support framework, we ensure dialogue with the participants before and during the course. We also established an alumni network to ensure that we remain in contact with the participants after they complete the course.
The home care training program includes language support alongside the training and language courses. This comprehensive approach ensures that participants successfully complete the program. As of now, 92% of participants have completed it. With this training, they can integrate into the Austrian labor market in a high-demand job.
Our educational concept of integrated language learning and professional training can be easily transferred to other target groups. It is also transferable to other professions or regions.