sichtbar werden

Projektgazda szervezet: Die Armutskonferenz

Felelős személy: Eugen Bierling-Wagner


1 000 eurós díj


Miről szól a projekt?
The views of people who live in poverty are increasingly ignored in the public sphere. Communications concerning citizens affected by poverty is characterised by shame and silence. In 2006, the Austrian Council on Poverty organised the first national conference for people affected by poverty. The “Becoming Visible” project, which organises Austrian-wide meetings from its Vienna-based office, developed as a result of the 2006 conference. These meetings are co-organised by people affected by poverty. As well as focusing on special topics and organising public activities, communication with political decision makers is also always on the agenda. At the fourth meeting held in March 2009, people with experience of poverty spoke with the Federal President, the Minister for Social Affairs and other people in positions of responsibility in Austria.
A zsűri elismerése
In 2009, the jury awarded a prize of €1000 to the project for making “some 5% of our fellow citizens in Austria” visible as well as for its “self-empowerment for political intervention”.