Online Trauer-Plattform „Aspetos“
Projektgazda szervezet: TrauerHilfe Bestattungen & 11media communications GmbH
Felelős személy: Dr. Christine Pernlochner-Kügler
1 000 eurós díj
Szociális ellátás, egészségügy
A zsűri elismerése
The aim of funeral and grief assistance via a professionally operated online platform is to ‘guarantee remembrance’ (the platform’s own definition) and to help to deal with finiteness or infinity (‘aspetos’). The online medium is designed to allow or even facilitate a discussion on death as a part of life, by combining practical help and support when dealing with a death. A comprehensive service which can even be individually tailored, the detachment of the worldwide web as a facility for shaping personal tragedy ... an interesting experiment – may it produce the desired effects!