Wissens°raum - die Werkstatt für Neugierige
Projektgazda szervezet: Verein ScienceCenter-Netzwerk
Felelős személy: Heidrun Schulze
1 000 eurós díj
Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság
Interactive, attractive, low-threshold, locally embedded, moving on, outside conventional knowledge transfer structures, socially innovative, invigorating on a small-scale. For "remoteness from knowledge" to play no role. For vacant not to turn to derelict. For girls, boys, women, men, grown-ups, youths and children. Some come back again and again and obtain a certificate or they become the explainers' assistants. They experiment with technology and science, alone or with others, are simply curious, learn self-confidence; can tell others what they have made; or what they later want to do with it, maybe.