Nota Bene Luggage porters - homeless people help passengers at Bratislava Railway station
Projektgazda szervezet: Proti Prúdu
Felelős személy: PhDr. Peter Kadlečík

2. díj
Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság

Homeless men in regular employment; their job: to approach travellers and help them. This changes the image others – and maybe they themselves – have of the homeless. The uniforms they wear help. They earn money; they benefit from health and social insurance coverage “like everyone”; they begin to negotiate their way out of over-indebtedness – social workers and lawyers help them in this. Homeless men work at the railway station, mingle – conspicuously – with people. Tourists ask them for information. A big signpost tells what they do at the railway station. Media are interested. What an innovative way of bringing people from the margins into the hustle and bustle of society!