Let's Learn Beekeeping
Projektgazda szervezet: Hrvatska Udruga Pčelara (HUP) Pčelinjak (Croatian Beekeepers Association)
Felelős személy: Dražen Jerman

Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság
Jog, Igazságszolgáltatás

The organisation of free time of the prisoners and development of social skills necessary upon release from prison.
The concept behind Let's Learn Beekeeping is to provide education and training opportunities to prisoners, with the goal of helping them gain self-confidence and acquire new skills that can be used once they complete their sentence. A number of positive examples have already been obtained.
Male and female prisoners and employees. After the completion of the project, employees can independently transfer knowledge to prisoners and thus organise work-occupational therapy.
Let's Learn Beekeeping has succeeded beyond all expectations. The project has already resulted in a former prisoner who has become a beekeeper.
Projects of this type can be implemented all over the world in all prisons and penitentiaries that have conditions for keeping bees.
Photo © Dražen Jerman, Nikola Kezić