Going beyond the traditional four-walled classroom Simbioza Mobiln@ targets the elderly who do not have access to educational resources in ICT, bridging the gap between urban and rural areas in digital education. In addition to the workshops delivered by the Simbioza team and local volunteers (Simbioza Community), an additional service is available to the elderly after the visit of Mobiln@ - Simbioza's Magda app - the first app for the elderly in Slovenia, which includes a variety of educational materials for self-learning, and they are also provided with further support from local volunteers.
Simbioza Mobiln@ - a mobile classroom on wheels
Nositelj projekta: Ana Pleško, Simbioza Genesis, socialno podjetje/Ana Pleško, Simbioza Genesis, social enterprise
Odgovorna osoba: Ana Pleško
Civilno društvo / Društvena ekonomija
Socijalna i zdravstvena skrb
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