Young people are increasingly disconnected from nature and direct social interactions, with few opportunities for meaningful natural experiences and the development of social skills beyond kindergarten and school. In addition, opportunities for experience and education vary widely, influenced by the economic and social status of their families and living conditions.
Acker Austria – Every child by 2030
Projektgazda szervezet: Acker Österreich gemeinnützige GmbH / Acker Austria non-profit company
Felelős személy: Dr. Christoph Musik

Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság
Szociális ellátás, egészségügy

Acker Austria offers children hands-on agricultural experience through the AckerRacker and VegetableAckerdemie programmes, where they sow, tend and harvest their own vegetables. This initiative teaches them about the origin of food and the impact of their actions on the environment, nature and their social environment. Community farming develops essential social and core skills, emphasising the social aspect of sustainability.
The Acker Austria team of eight permanent staff and around 20 volunteers work together to provide regular training and education for teachers and educators. Together they carry out sowing, planting and planting activities with children. Acker Austria also has a close partnership with Acker e.V. in Germany and Acker Switzerland and benefits from a number of synergies.
Since 2014, 234,000 students and kindergarten children in Austria, Germany and Switzerland have participated in these programmes, which foster practical learning about relationships, self-efficacy, co-decision making, participation, empathy, responsibility and social interaction. One notable outcome is that 69 per cent of children have developed a more positive attitude towards nature.
Acker Austria and its programmes are fully transferable to different settings, educational contexts and countries thanks to its flexible backend systems. Successful adaptation depends on the effective translation of expertise and methods to adapt to the new language, culture and educational framework.