Disability Education for Children

Vlastník projektu: Egyesület az Inklúzióért / Association for Inclusion

Zodpovedná osoba: Flóra Török




Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik

O čom to je?

Our experience-based sensitization program aims to educate children (age 5-18 years) about disabilities and the concept of inclusion. During the sessions we use the methodology of experiential pedagogy - the pupils have the opportunity to experience the daily challenges of people with disabilities. We also have an open conversation with them about the topic and teach them the correct vocabulary. The program has been rated as essential by teachers and parents. Our activity counts as social innovation, as students barely learn about disabities at school or from parents.


In Hungary, most children with disabilities study in segregated classes. There are no opportunities for children with disabilities to get to know and connect with their non-disabled peers. Similarly, students without disabilities do not encounter children with disabilities at school.


Egyesület az Inklúzióért (“Association for Inclusion”) conducts hands-on classes in kindergartens and schools, where children without disabilities can experience – for a couple of minutes – what it is like living with physical limitations. We also organize inclusive playdates between abled and disabled children’s groups.


The majority of participants are children without disabilities aged 6 to 10-years-old. We work with the children in their schools and kindergartens. Their teachers and parents learn from the activities and children's narrations. Each year, we also organise and engage 3 to 4 groups of children with and without disabilities in the inclusive play program.


Egyesület az Inklúzióért breaks down barriers, anxieties, and taboos about disabilities for children and adults. The children are happy to talk about their experience and share their feelings. In the inclusive play programme, the children connect and notice their similarities, not only their differences.


With additional support and a programme network, Egyesület az Inklúzióért has to the potential to assist parents organise the classes and play programmes in different regions. Inclusive play events could also turn into larger school projects with more collaboration for and between children of all abilities.