Trauma-conscious Gynaecological Service
Lastnik projekta: Budapesti Módszertani Szociális Központ és Intézményei (Budapest Methodological Center of Social Policy and Its Institutions)
Odgovorna oseba: Gerencsér Tamás

2.000 evrov nagrade
Javna uprava
Socialno ali zdravstveno varstvo

Many women struggle with traumas that make it difficult to visit gynaecological examinations. One in two homeless women has experienced partner violence and two-thirds do not regularly see a gynaecologist.
Through broad social collaboration, the Trauma-conscious Gynaecological Service for Homeless Women project has set up the first trauma-conscious gynaecology service, where the physical environment, staff approach, and service delivery are all tailored to the needs of abused women. The project combines health and social care in a holistic manner.
The program was developed and implemented by BMSZKI and the service operates within the organisation. The fundraising campaign and the renovation works were coordinated by Budapest Bike Maffia and Levente Bicskey. Professional support is provided by Józan Babák Association, EMMA Association and Judit Győrfy as mental health specialist.
An interdisciplinary team, trained to be women-cantered, and trauma-conscious, runs a service that provides free examinations and access to further treatment for over thirty homeless women every month. The project has provided positive examples to professional and social bodies demonstrating that a well-functioning service must respond to a women's experiences.
The high interest and successful implementation of the project prove that trauma-conscious gynaecological care can be developed across the country. A trauma-conscious approach can be used effectively to help any vulnerable group in society.
A much-needed medical service, which fills the gap in the health care system in Hungary. Trauma-sensitive gynaecological care is not only relevant for homeless women, but for many other women regardless of their social status. The project ensures its sustainability through an innovative business plan, extending its unique service also to paying patients in the future. As the great demand proves, the project is very well received in society and has the potential to contribute systemically to public healthcare services.