The Social Clinic

Vlastník projektu: Czech Institute for Biosynthesis

Zodpovedná osoba: Mgr. Anna Audrlická


Cena v hodnote 2 000 Eur


Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik

O čom to je?
Ocenenie poroty

For people in multiple-problem situations, the door to psychotherapy is usually closed. Yet such interventions have an especially significant leverage effect for them. The psychotherapy door is usually closed because the public offer is too small and such help will thus take too long. And the private offer is too expensive. The “Social Clinic” has short waiting times and you pay what you can pay. The “Social Clinic” brings committed therapists and socially weak clients together. A privately organised, indirect redistribution from economically better positioned to economically weaker clients, so to say. Thus an innovative handling of simultaneous state and market failures.