Fair School

Vlastník projektu: League of Human Rights

Zodpovedná osoba: Marek Zemský


Cena v hodnote 2 000 Eur


Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik

O čom to je?

The League of Human Rights through its Fair School project supports open and high quality schools. In this way we systematically increase the number of schools which enable all children without a difference to attend a regular primary school. In these schools children both talented and disadvantaged can attend the same school, just like they all live together in the real live.

Ocenenie poroty

Unlike Austria, the Czech Republic does not segregate ten year olds into New middle schools and Grammar schools. Basically, up to the age of 15, everyone attends the same school. Or almost everyone. For children with physical or social impairments, there still are worse alternatives. In the Czech Republic also, inclusion has not made it yet into school mainstream. The “Fair School” distinction is to point to inclusive basic schools and foreground them so as to inspire other schools to start an accompanied process directed towards inclusion. In a novel manner, all those involved in the system “school” are to be motivated for an inclusive school praxis.