Certificate Course

Vlastník projektu: Universität Wien, Postgraduate Center

Zodpovedná osoba: Mag.a. Dr.in Michelle Proyer


Cena v hodnote 2 000 Eur


Verejná správa

Ocenenie poroty

In this project, three effects innovatively interact: 1. Refugees can exercise their learned profession in Austria and participate in developing their own training; 2. The foreseeable demand of new teaching staff, especially in mathematics, the natural sciences and technical subjects, can more easily be satisfied; 3. Diversity in schools increases also on the pedagogical personnel side. With other words: 1. The integration of refugees into their host society is furthered because their professional prospects improve; 2. Not only will there be enough teachers, they will also represent societal plurality more faithfully; 3. Teaching becomes more inclusive and diversity serves as an example for students.