Frauenrat für Tschetschenische Flüchtlinge

Lastnik projekta: Österreichisch Kaukasiche Gesellschaft

Odgovorna oseba: Fr. MA Dums Nataliya


1,000 Euro Prize


Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

What is it about?
Pohvala žirije

These female advisors are using advice sessions, home visits, workshops and their status as role models to show Chechen women and girls how discriminatory perceptions of the role of women can hinder their development and progression in Austrian society. The Chechen ‘Frauenrat’ (women’s council) are drawing on a trusted and respected term from the women’s former homelands and incorporating elements of Chechen tradition in order to guide these Chechen women in their new lives and help them understand Austrian laws and customs. Motivated women tackling female issues within their own ethnic background – a beneficial mix which will hopefully become more widespread.