Creation-Oriented Social + Integrational Model Programme in the Hétes Settlement of Ózd
Lastnik projekta: Van Helyed Alapitvany
Odgovorna oseba: Kriszta Bodis
1,000 Euro Prize
Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo
Lokalni razvoj
On the one hand, basic needs are met and social facilities established. On the other hand, everything starts from a belief in the fundamental, inherent creativity of individuals. Thus, work is not performed for the residents, but with them. This principle of the initiator clearly mobilised a great deal of local energy and allowed people to rediscover belief in their own ability to accomplish change through their own actions. Sustainable social and human rights work in a ghettoised Roma settlement is proving effective. The great variety of creative social work by authorities also impressed us. We would like to contribute to the sustainability of this project by awarding the SozialMarie prize.