Social Net Conference for Probation

Lastnik projekta: Neustart

Odgovorna oseba: Jürgen Kaiser, MBA


1. nagrada


Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

What is it about?
Pohvala žirije

A social net conference trusts the young delinquent to take on responsibility, trusts that she or he can name supportive people who will be of help. To avoid remand into custody, the social net must elaborate a "secure" plan against recidivism. In about 70% of the cases the plans convinced the judges, and the youths were released from remand. In a socially innovative way, a paradigm change has been provoked in the context of juvenile delinquency: let us put our money on social solution potential – it leads to improved accountability. Hence the success in next to no time, multiply visible and acknowledged many a time.