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Lastnik projekta: TU Wien /Renate Stuefer

Odgovorna oseba: Renate Stuefer i.Z.m. Alexandra Schilder, Karin Macher, Gabriele Reithofer und der VS Lernwerkstatt


2. nagrada


Javna uprava

What is it about?
Pohvala žirije

RoomTubes act in a multi-layer and very direct way: Some feel protected inside, others feel freer. The children devise and create their adventure spaces themselves – inside and outside, alone or as a group.

RoomTubes are permeable and shapeable, they circumscribe, they make movement possible, they move and relax. They make no difference, do not discriminate between integration pupil and headmaster, they adapt to all special needs. They are innovative not only for integrating children with impairments. Far beyond, they show the importance of spatial concepts for learning together, not only for pupils. Imitation urgently recommended!