SUHANJ! Fitness - We give you power

Lastnik projekta: SUHANJ! Alapítvány

Odgovorna oseba: Salamon Alexandra


2.000 evrov nagrade


Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

Pohvala žirije

Really, there is absolutely no denying the fact that movement and sport are relaxing and conducive to health not only for people without a disability. But this truth has not made it into societal everyday life and is therefore not put into practice. Suhanj! Fitness has taken an important step: It is explicitly and 100 per cent barrier-free; in this fitness centre, the focus is on bodily health – for everyone, be she or he bodily limited or not. And this happens together, “under one roof”, not in an extra room shamefully hidden away somewhere for people living with a disability to do their own thing, no: at the very centre, with a clear and innovative message. Matters of course here happen as a matter of course.