Uccu Budapest Roma Walking tours offer interactive, innovative Roma led walks in Budapest and Pécs in Hungarian and English. Participants will acquire a cultural experience, get a more authentic picture of the Roma by obtaining general knowledge about them. Also, they will be enriched by the personal stories of the Roma guides and can address their unanswered questions related to Roma
Uccu Budapest Romani Walking Tours
Lastnik projekta: Uccu Roma Informális Oktatási Alapítvány
Odgovorna oseba: Szénási Szilvia

2.000 evrov nagrade
Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo
Umetnost, Kultura

Young people from the Roma community, due to their personal access, render tangibility to the information about the past and the present of the Roma people. Vulnerability as a factor: The participants can pose questions directly and may pose “difficult” questions. When room can be made to engage in direct dialogue, then stereotypes are usually harder to maintain. For the young Roma, these public tours are certainly good for their self-esteem, in both individual and social contexts. The tours for companies and embassies generate revenue and thus finance the social involvement.