The Blind and Visually Impaired in Service for the Deaf

Lastnik projekta: Transkript online s.r.o.

Odgovorna oseba: Ing. Zdeněk Bumbálek


2.000 evrov nagrade


Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo


Blind, visually impaired, and deaf communities face social discrimination and unemployment. These communities also struggle to access state-funded social services and communication support aids in private companies. Transkript online provides employment opportunities for the blind and visually impaired, while improving communication accessibility for deaf communities.


Transkript online creates new job opportunities and accessibility for individuals with visual and auditory disabilities. The project applies the unique strengths of the blind and visually impaired as a professional skill. Blind transcriptionists support hearing-impaired individuals through online communication on the Transkript Online app.

Deležniki pri projektu

Transkript online works together with state institutions, as well as private companies and non-profit organizations to develop and improve communication accessibility. The project currently offers communication support for the blind, visually impaired, and deaf in companies and institutions in the Czech Republic.


The programme significantly improves the quality of life for blind, visually impaired, and deaf communities. Our clients also include the growing elderly community with age-related hearing impairments. Transkript online has also recently launched partnerships with local and international companies in the Czech Republic.


Transkript online programmes are implemented in state and private institutions in all regions of the Czech Republic. The project is accessible for international expansion and collaboration.

Pohvala žirije

Transkript online uses the unique skills of the blind and visually impaired to transcribe texts for deaf communities. Individuals with limited to no hearing, with Czech not sign language as their mother tongue, can understand and communicate in-person or by phone at banks and public institutions from a PC or smartphone. The skills of each community benefit and support one another in their everyday lives and in the job market through a socially innovative connection.