Lastnik projekta: fairMATCHING

Odgovorna oseba: Mag. Wolfgang Tonninger (Obmann)




Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

What is it about?

Due to the rising number of refugees, we are confronted with the challenges and demands to ensure an inclusive society. Newcomers in Austria have different cultures, but also different educational background, work experiences, and access to the labour market.


fairMATCHING provides personalised support to refugees during their job search and connects them with companies. We also support the needs of the companies and applicants through intercultural and professional practices.

Deležniki pri projektu

We support refugees and migrants with an individualised, skill-based, and practical approach. Our programme focuses on engaging and empowering our applicants so that they can build their lives in Austria. Our participatory work with role models from refugee and migrant communities is important.


First and foremost, companies and refugees feel supported because we respond to their needs and expectations, as well as learn from their feedback. This trust is the basis of our success. We also develop new outreach programmes beyond job placement assistance to shape social discourses.


We believe that fairMATCHING in exchange with other European initiatives is not only easily transferable to other regions; it is a good practice through the appreciative attitude it represents.


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