the Connection

Lastnik projekta: the Connection

Odgovorna oseba: Valerie Mühlenburg




Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

What is it about?

Policymakers have high expectations for refugees to learn German and rebuild their lives in a new culture, as well as integrate into the labour market. All of this should happen ideally after five years. However, many asylum procedures drag on for years and educational opportunities are scarce during this time.


The Connection is a learning centre for all! Many young people in our programme have been looking for suitable German courses for months. There are also few higher level courses offered for free. We provide German courses from A1 to C1 levels and a broad range of activities, which enables participants to structure their daily lives based on their needs.

Deležniki pri projektu

Our target group are people in marginalised living conditions; we primarily work with refugees and young people who need extra support in school. Our doors are open to everyone.


We provide easy access to flexible and practical educational opportunities. This approach best meets our target groups’ needs, who are often burdened by marginalised living conditions and face many bureaucratic hurdles.


We were informed about the dire shortage of German courses in the provinces through our partner organization. There are little to no courses in rural regions for people to join during their asylum procedure. It is our goal to bring the Connection to every province.

© Marco Zlousic & the Connection