Inkubator za bodoče preiskovalne novinarje predstavlja večplasten pristop k reševanju ključnih izzivov v novinarstvu. Projekt je edinstven, saj povezuje preverjanje dejstev iz političnih in drugih javnih izjav s priložnostmi za praktično učenje študentov in mlajših novinarjev. Z mentoriranjem jim pomagamo razviti odlične veščine raziskovanja in kritičnega razmišljanja ter jih tako pripravljamo na kompleksnost nacionalnih in mednarodnih preiskav. Ta pristop ne zagotavlja le največje natančnosti objavljenih informacij, temveč prispeva tudi k razvoju novih generacij preiskovalnih novinarjev.
Inkubator za bodoče preiskovalne novinarje
Lastnik projekta: Oštro, Center za preiskovalno novinarstvo v jadranski regiji; Oštro, a center for investigative journalism in the Adriatic region
Odgovorna oseba: Anuška Zavrl Delić

2.000 evrov nagrade
Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

With the rise of profit-driven media, the fundamental principles of journalism are at risk. In the fast-paced world of disinformation and clickbait, acquiring the skills to produce original, accurate, in-depth journalism is increasingly difficult and impacts future generations of reporters.
In a country with few investigative reporters, we have to develop our local talent. Oštro runs, a fact-checking project that is also an incubator for future investigative journalists. Fact-checking is an excellent training ground for developing strong critical thinking, research skills, and a focus on the public interest. invites students and junior reporters for hands-on skill-building and opportunities. They are mentored by the department editor and deputy editor, who offer help and feedback throughout the programme. As the participants progress, they are invited to assist in research on national, regional, and/or international investigations.
Thus far, has produced over 570 fact-checks and trained 19 student reporters. Two participants became the new editors of where they will acquire editorial skills before working in investigative journalism at Oštro.
Many countries also have grave press freedom conditions fuelled by declining professional journalism standards. The principles of continuous learning, skill-building, and ethics applied at Oštro and its incubator are highly scalable. Democracy dies in the darkness of bad journalism. We all must ensure that good journalism can continue to thrive.