anders cool! ZIMD Burschentraining

Kdo stojí za projektem: ZIMD Zentrum für Interaktion, Medien & soziale Diversität

Odpovědná osoba: Mag. Andreas H. Landl


Cena 1 000 euro


O čem projekt je?
Adolescent boys are finding it increasingly difficult to develop their own identity. Time and again, they call attention to themselves by using violence against others or themselves. Schools offer a good way of getting in touch with boys. In the Viennese project, New Ways to be Cool!, workshops in schools give boys aged between ten and sixteen years old, many of whom are from an immigrant background, a safe space where they can find their masculine identity in a constructive way that prevents violence. A newspaper written in bad language and secret castles are among the methods used to reach the boys’ lives. The programme is rounded off by counselling sessions with the teachers before and after the modules. The workshops are free of charge for schools so that they can reach economically and educationally disadvantaged boys in particular.
Hodnocení poroty
In 2009, the jury awarded the project a prize of €1000 for giving boys the opportunity to “conquer themselves without humiliation”.