magdas HOTEL

Kdo stojí za projektem: magdas - Social Business der Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien

Odpovědná osoba: Gabriela Sonnleitner


Cena 2 000 euro


Občanská společnost / Sociální podnik

O čem projekt je?
Hodnocení poroty

Many have contributed: services, donations in kind, help with the master plan or with a sofa, a knitted lampshade or tips for marketing, learning buddies or assistance with the façade design. Thus, over time, a care and nursing home was transfigured into a fancy hotel in vintage design. And some of those who themselves had to flee their homes have here turned into hosts. Magdas wants to be an explicit, an innovative role model for the hotel and more generally for the tourism industry – where if not in these trades would recognised refugees be most suitably employed? Magdas has generated great media interest at home and abroad. That should help spread the word, and the example.