Marginalised communities – the homeless, disabled, refugees, former prisoners – are not only excluded from society and work but also the arts. Divadlo bez domova ("Theatre With No Home") creates social, financial, and cultural inclusion for marginalised communities through theatre.
Theatre With No Home
Projektträger: Patrik Krebs (Divadlo bez domova, štatutárny zástupca)
Verantwortliche*r: Uršula Kovalyk

2.000 Euro Preis
Zivilgesellschaft / Sozialwirtschaft
Kunst, Kultur

Dviadlo bez domova brings together the homeless and disabled to work, act and produce theatre performances to highlight their talents and social experiences to the public. The actors – the homeless and physically-disabled – provide new social connections, support and learn from one another to create original theatre productions. The actors also give workshops and organize events in Slovakia and internationally.
We work together with the homeless and the physically-disabled, as well as communities with psychiatric disabilities, refugees, ex-prisoners. Our work has been performed and in co-operation with the Slovak government, city of Bratislava, and the European Union. Divadlo bez domova also performs in prisons, psychiatric hospitals, and care homes for seniors.
Marginalised communities are provided opportunities to work, connect with others, and learn new skills while building social inclusion between the participants and the public. Divadlo bez domova preforms internationally; it has published five books and organized the ERROR international festival of homeless theatre for the last thirteen years.
The project can be implemented in any region and for any community. Theatre is a universal tool to connect. In Slovenia, the Carnium Legendarium homeless theatre was founded in inspiration of Divadlo bez domova.
Bei professionellem Theater denken wir vielleicht nicht zuallererst an gesellschaftliche Randgruppen. Mitten in Bratislava, in einem alten Palais, haben sich Obdachlose und Menschen mit Behinderung einen Ort genau dafür eingerichtet. Sie führen dort und anderswo regelmäßig selbst entwickelte Theaterstücke vor Publikum auf. Zudem leiten sie Workshops etwa für Schulen oder in Gefängnissen. Die Schauspieler*innen von 'Theatre With No Home' helfen sich selbst und gegenseitig, erweitern das kulturelle Angebot, zeigen sich der Öffentlichkeit in einem ungewohnten Kontext und verschieben so die gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung. So geht soziale Innovation.
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