SD IT experts care that the price of IT projects financed from state budget and EU funds is not overpriced and the results are usable for the citizen. According to Red Flags methodology, with more than 50 project success criteria, selected state IT projects are evaluated and published with attention to risky ones. Professional public is involved in evaluation through an open discussion platform. Participation with IT project implementers, suppliers and the general public allows, if necessary, to put pressure on implementers to make the necessary corrections and eliminates possible corruption.
Red Flags Slovakia.Digital
Projektträger: Slovensko.Digital
Verantwortliche*r: Juraj Dillinger, Petra Plesníková

1. Preis
Öffentliche Verwaltung
Lokale Entwicklung

Access to information on EU and state-funded government IT projects is not easily accessible to the public. Although these projects are paid with public taxes, there is little comprehensible information on these projects impacts and costs. This documentation is often scattered through various government ministries, companies, and institutions. Red Flags Slovakia.Digital (“Red Flags Slovensko.Digital”) provides a platform and structured approach to evaluate and audit EU and state-funded government IT projects.
Red Flags Slovensko.Digital provides transparent and open evaluation of EU and state-funded government IT projects and their potential risks are conducted by a community of IT experts. Our open approach and cooperation with the commissioned IT project implementers, suppliers, and the public allows us, if necessary, to put pressure on companies and institutions to make necessary changes. We also work to prevent corruption through transparent, open access and allocation of EU and state-funded government IT projects.
Red Flags Slovensko.Digital provides a framework for IT professionals, governments, and project teams to prepare, procure, and implement state-funded government IT projects based on Slovak law. Our organisation also publishes evaluations of these projects’ risks for the public, state administration control, and members of the selection commissions. We also inform the project implementation teams of potential errors and shortcomings. Governmental institutions, IT project teams and the public can connect on the Slovensko.Digital platform.
Red Flags Slovakia.Digital improves and democratises the allocation and funding of EU and state-funded government IT projects. Our organisation also monitors and advocates for transparent, fair financing of information systems operations and development costs in public administration.
Red Flags Slovensko.Digital and all its programmes can be implemented for IT projects by national ministries, as well as regional districts and local authorities. The project and its evaluation methodology can be adapted to meet local conditions and needs.
Grants should be based on expertise and not on corruption. In this project, civil society becomes a watchdog and takes action on public procurement of EU and state-funded IT projects: IT experts evaluate, monitor, and publish their findings on state contracts. Red Flags Slovensko.Digital strengthens the public discourse against corruption and clientelism and fights for fair and transparent allocation of public resources.