Children from disadvantaged backgrounds often have their future path determined in the first weeks of school. These students arrive at school with significantly less developed executive functions (EF) than their peers from better backgrounds thus impacting their paths. Even though well-functioning EFs are essential for a person to learn, no extra effort is directed toward the development for disadvantaged children.
The Art of Learning
Project owner: T-Tudok Tudásmenedzsment és Oktatáskutató Központ Zrt. (T-TUDOK Centre for Knowledge Management and Educational Research Inc.)
Responsible person: Anita Kaderják

Commercial enterprise
Art, Culture

The Art of Learning project trains artists to partner with teachers of the 1st-4th grades to facilitate sessions which places the students in the centre of the class. This in turn encourage them to involve students from different backgrounds (including children with special educational need and Roma children). The project also connects these elements to the curriculum to successfully develop executive functions, thus having long-lasting effects on teachers and students.
The T-Tudok Centre for Knowledge Management and Educational Research Inc. leads the program in cooperation with five classes in three public schools from Budapest, Pécs, and Soroksár, together with educational experts from Norway and Great Britain, and running in parallel in six Norwegian schools.
The first years are crucial in forming the teaching style, as such the program requires teachers to move from their typical routines and start to see students and their roles differently in the classroom. This new perspective gives space for the development of children from disadvantaged backgrounds who would, in all probability, drop out otherwise.
The project currently plans to expand in the near future. It purports the universal value of the program to support the transition of children from kindergarten to school. The non-formal education nature of the project aids this e.g. after-school programs or educational programs supporting refugee children.