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Projektgazda szervezet: InterACT – Werkstatt für Theater und Soziokultur

Felelős személy: Mag. Dr. Michael Wrentschur


1. díj


Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság

Miről szól a projekt?
A zsűri elismerése
Tackling new poverty in role-plays and theatrical performances strengthens the persons involved directly, makes poverty an issue which can be discussed and, at the same time, provides further-reaching impetus at political level to combat and prevent poverty. The ongoing scientific analysis and evaluation guarantees further development and a foundation for argument. This is a successful combination of political-participatory theatre, sound socio-political criticism and targeted measures, which is both complex and specific. May the nationwide expansion of the project in 2010 achieve the same demonstrable results as it has in Styria!