Grow Together

Projektgazda szervezet: gemeinnütziger Verein Grow Together

Felelős személy: Dr.Katharina Kruppa


2 000 eurós díj


Civil társadalom / Szociális gazdaság

A zsűri elismerése

“Grow Together” closes a gap in early support of “multi-problem families” from before the birth and up to about two years after the birth of a child. Highly professional, sufficiently aloof, well-reflected – yet involved; low-threshold – yet based on a clear agreement; patient, because behaviour change takes time – yet demanding; appreciative of small, everyday progress – yet aimed at complete “healing”. Reverence to all who, in cooperation with competent local authorities, have made this complex and innovative project see the light of day! Simultaneously, the social return on investment is being scientifically investigated - not only this research will show that we simply cannot afford “social inheritance”.