Easily accessible assistance for an ever-growing group of the population which is perceived and assisted as distinguishable target groups, 45+ and 60+, with specific questions and (everyday) problems. Despite being manned by volunteers, high demands are made of the service provided, with professionalism being guaranteed, for instance, by regular individual and group supervision. This interdisciplinary project has good links and is developing new services each year and will shortly be expanding – by telephone – into other countries. We are already looking forward to the telephone service being available in Austria.
AfterNoon Foundation – Helpline for middle-aged and elderly people
Vlastník projektu: DélUtán Alapítvány
Zodpovedná osoba: Ágnes Recski
Cena v hodnote 1 000 Eur
Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik
Sociálna starostlivosť, Zdravotná starostlivosť
Ocenenie poroty