STEPSS Follow-up

Vlastník projektu: Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC)

Zodpovedná osoba: Balázs Tóth


Cena v hodnote 1 000 Eur


Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik

O čom to je?
Ocenenie poroty

The significance of these ‘local meetings between police officers and members of the Roma community’ is evident against the backdrop of the increasing nationalization of politics and a police union which comprises around 18% of police and in 2009 entered into cooperation with the far right-wing Jobbik movement – partly due to its symbolic power and partly to avoid leaving safety issues to the right-wing political fringe and its shocking effects on social cohesion. Courageous, necessary and all party encompassing for a secure and more understanding cohabitation. It would certainly be useful to reduce the social rift!