The understanding of addiction in the Budapest-based Belvárosi Tanoda Foundation resulted in the realisation that socialisation and its conditions can ultimately lead to illness. This problem can be tackled by providing alternative socialisation opportunities. Against this backdrop, affected individuals were able to set up the Megálló self-help group in 1997. One of the things the young people realised in their search for a meaning in life was the importance of school certificates. In order to complete the schooling they had discontinued, individual, versatile weekly plans are developed to help them to structure their lives. The groups are mainly run by former drug users, who are particularly important as role models. The jury awarded the project and its “holistic approaches” a prize of €1000 in 2005.
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Vlastník projektu: "Megálló Group" Foundation for Addicts
Zodpovedná osoba: Edit Györik, Projektmanager
Cena v hodnote 1 000 Eur
Sociálna starostlivosť, Zdravotná starostlivosť
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