
Vlastník projektu: Média Centrum Non-profit Association

Zodpovedná osoba: Le Marietta


Cena v hodnote 1 000 Eur


Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik

O čom to je?

Jarokelo.hu is a website which provides a platform for Budapest (Hungary) citizens and local governments to communicate with each other about problems at the local level, streets get fixed faster and solutions are more citizen-oriented.

Ocenenie poroty

Social media allow new forms of communication between inhabitants of a city like Budapest and their municipal administration. The one side informs about conditions in their neighbourhood that they have noticed and dislike, with or without suggesting solutions, the other side sets out to find ways how to remedy these shortcomings. What both sides do is made public. The local council finds its activities legitimised. And it can in this way also ask the population for feedback about their services. Responsible citizen action is taken on by local administration. A socially innovative process has been set in motion …