
Vlastník projektu: Verein Neumarkter BürgerInnenservice

Zodpovedná osoba: Monika Bundt


Cena v hodnote 1 000 Eur


O čom to je?

The Citizens’ Service Centre in Neumarkt in the state of Salzburg organises an integration breakfast that gives female migrants a place to meet each other. Since 2006, the weekly breakfasts have proved to be extremely popular. These get-togethers give participants a chance to chat and to talk about difficult issues. They define their hopes and worries and organise projects based on these discussions. The success of the projects increases the women’s self-esteem and contributes to female emancipation. German courses have been expanded and have a high attendance rate. Other topics have also been put on the agenda, for example, a talk by a Turkish gynaecologist and a keep-fit class. It is planned that a job slot will be created in 2009 for an integration officer for the entire Flachgau area, a district in the northern part of the state of Salzburg.

Ocenenie poroty

In 2007, the jury awarded a prize of €1000 to the “needs-based project in a small-town (…) environment” and its “constant further development”.