
Vlastník projektu: Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien (Caritasverband) gemeinnützige GmbH

Zodpovedná osoba: Fabio Cannalonga




Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik

O čom to je?

#ageshouldbeheard What do elderly people think about love? Does the fear of death grow with increasing age or might it be the other way around? And how can the life experience of elderly people help the younger generations to separate the important things from the less important ones? The podcast "FaltenrockFM" creates a bridge between the past and the present – it makes old folk´s wisdom and serenity audible for the young people and those who chose to hold on to their youth. People in need of caretaking aren't only given a voice, but are also producing their own content.


Who, if not older people, have stories to tell and share? Unfortunately, they are rarely represented in public and have hardly any opportunities to participate in social discourses. In most cases, the elderly are only ever spoken "about", but rarely does anyone take the time to speak ”with” them.


FaltenrockFM, the podcast from the nursing home, connects the past and present. It makes the wisdom and serenity of old age accessible to young people and those young at heart. All episodes are based on the stories and experiences of our residents; we also provide a different view of the here and now.


Every week a small team of radio and podcast enthusiasts meet and produce new episodes with residents from three Caritas nursing homes in Vienna. With a microphone and a recorder in hand, they roam the houses and collect perspectives on the and themes from the team’s joint editorial meetings.


Mit FaltenrockFM geben wir dem Alter eine Stimme und vermitteln einer breiten Hörerschaft die Perspektive von Menschen mit Pflegebedarf. Unverstellt, nicht verklärend und mit Humor. Dabei kommen unsere Bewohner*innen nicht nur zu Wort, sondern produzieren teils selbst, sammeln neue Erfahrungen und schaffen Raum für Austausch und Begegnung.


The simple production and availability of podcasts makes this medium an ideal tool for social issues outside the mainstream. The participation and involvement of the target group in the production process create new perspectives between the project team and its listeners.