Deportations of well-integrated children of immigrants by authorities is an issue in many societies. Despite continued dialogue and emphasis on the need for a monitoring institution, it appears that authorities are intransigent on the matter. The Together for Children’s Rights project thus demonstrates how these rights could be protected.
Together for Children's Rights
Vlastník projektu: asylkoordination österreich (asylum coordination austria)
Zodpovedná osoba: Katharina Glawischnig

Cena v hodnote 2 000 Eur
Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik
Sociálna starostlivosť, Zdravotná starostlivosť
Právo, Spravodlivosť

The idea of the project is to form an alliance, representing civil society and those disturbed by the deportation of well-integrated children. The project seeks to act before the deportation occurs with monitoring of the situation. In this way, the project addresses a gap in the current administrative response to child deportation and helps to raise awareness in wider society.
The actors involved in the project originate from civil society, former children’s rights commission members, students, media, NGOs, lawyers, volunteers, and more. Students undertake research on jurisprudence and notable people use their referent power in favour of vulnerable children. Furthermore, volunteer watch court cases to uncover potential children’s rights violations.
The project seeks to ensure the protection of children’s rights and the wellbeing of children, all actors in the asylum sector including asylum offices, courts, lawyers and legal representatives, NGOs, volunteers, and addresses the needs of the families concerned. The nature of the child’s integration in Austrian society ensures that they receive residency permissions.
The focus of the project makes it possible for international application, particularly to other situations where vulnerable people are at risk of human rights violations.
Photos © Mafalda Rakos, asykoordination österreich
The protection of children’s rights is not left in the hands of politics in this project. Their strong commitment towards children’s rights in the context of refugees is unique, as is their method. The project encourages civil society to step in and act as a watchdog, where politics fails to act. With a strong message and the ability to mobilise citizens for the cause, it promises wide-reaching effects.