Pilot Light

Vlastník projektu: Ribárszki Anna és civil szakértők - Anna Ribárszki and civil experts

Zodpovedná osoba: Krasznai Vanda


Cena v hodnote 2 000 Eur


Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik


Gas prices increased by 650 % above a certain level of consumption in Hungary in August 2022. The monopolistic energy supplier often provides contradictory, vague communication, and incorrect billing settings. As gas bills can take a significant toll on one’s income, this price rise led to difficult financial situations for many families.


Gas prices increased by 650 % above a certain level of consumption Hungary in August 2022. The monopolistic energy supplier often provides contradictory, vague communication, and incorrect billing settings. As gas bills can take a significant toll on one’s income, this price rise led to difficult financial situations for many families.


Our Facebook group, “GAS BILL FROM 23-08-2022,” is dynamically growing with 110,000 members. However, rising gas and energy costs affect everyone. The group is run entirely by a pro-bono civilian expert staff of 34 volunteers who moderate and facilitate the page.


Our team solved thousands of individual and collective gas bill concerns that the supplier mismanaged or did not resolve. We settled refunds worth between 130 Euro and 1.300 Euro from the gas service provider. Our team also detected and reported malpractices to the service provider and authorities.


We aim to find a concrete solution to this situation by providing free, altruistic help for others. This community-based model is not limited to rising energy costs but can be applied to other fields and social challenges.