Balu und Du

Lastnik projekta: Ganztagsvolksschule Europaschule

Odgovorna oseba: Gabriele Lener


3. nagrada


Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

Pohvala žirije

Schoolchildren from difficult social backgrounds acquire social skills and self-confidence for their future life, parental education is supplemented, the class community is supported, the burden is removed from the class teachers, the students are prepared for their future professional life in a way which more closely reflects reality. There is an immediate positive effect which is visible from the behaviour of the Mowglis or from the fact that having a Baloo is considered to be an honour, from the dedication of the students and teachers, from the scientific results. This is a small – but efficient – way of correcting the ‘social gap’ in education. We hope that it will be expanded and imitated!