Verbund Stromhilfefonds der Caritas
Lastnik projekta: Caritas Österreich und Verbund
Odgovorna oseba: Beate McGinn
1,000 Euro Prize
Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo
Pohvala žirije
Long-term cooperation between the profit and non-profit sectors combines emergency financial aid with help to produce a lasting change in behaviour. Energy counsellors go to people’s homes, carry out an analysis and, together, they come up with energy-saving measures. Replacement of devices and interim aid for electricity bills is included if necessary. This project has a high threshold – money is not simply handed out – but it is effective. Energy-saving behaviour is an economic necessity. The success – of the energy counselling and of the cooperation between Verbund and Caritas – is checked after a year. In addition, other (energy) companies are to be involved in the project. May the project continue to ‘spark’ success!