Cooks Without Homes

Lastnik projekta: Jako doma - Homelike

Odgovorna oseba: Lenka Vrbová


2.000 evrov nagrade


Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

What is it about?
Pohvala žirije

Homeless women cook and counter the cliché of their homelessness, a homelessness that is much less visible than that of men. They draw attention to themselves; they “help” others with good food; they come into contact – through their catering – with very different social classes; they support each other; they collaborate in other project activities... They can – again – build their future. This is an innovative mixture with plenty of potential. Two social stigmata are here killed with one stone. Homelessness in general. And (well-hidden) female homelessness in particular. With this comes very practical help for the women and excellent yet affordable food for many. Add to this the bistro to become reality soon…